Nightstand Flowers DIY

This is a super quick and easy flower arrangement that you can make in a matter of minutes.

What was my inspiration??? A hot mess of clutter on my nightstand.  I wanted to make my bedroom have the more tropical resort feel and since I have plenty of flowers around my property, I got to pickin.

You only need about 4 things to make this on your own.


  1.  A vase – I love this one because its like a giant flat fish bowl and it was left under the kitchen sink by previous renters.
  2.  Rocks or stones – these were from an old water feature fountain that looks a bit dated now.  I always try to salvage what I can from old things and re-purpose as much as possible.
  3.  Water – Perhaps the easiest find on the list for obvious reasons.
  4.  Fresh flowers – This pink blooms did not last in the vase to my dismay.  The large green fronds are actually weeds! Its funny that we treasure most plants and exclude the love from weeds.  They can be just as beautiful and useful in flower arrangements not to mention they can survive way more neglect.  When I go hiking and see a beautiful hillside of nature, it is actually speckled with weeds  everywhere but looks absolutely exquisite.  Mother nature knows what she is doing.


And Voila, you have a tropical and eye-catching nightstand decor.  Plants are the easiest way to add real vibrant color and life to a room other than painting the walls.


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